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Edward Bussa
(June 2003 -- Berkeley, CA)

From where did your family emigrate and when? Who emigrated (self, parents, grandparents) and what were their names?
Grandparents (Giovanni Bussa/Maurilia Boccaccio Bussa) from Asti/Alessandria.

What led them to their destination (relatives already there, hopes of a job at a mill, mine, etc. Please explain)?
Economic ruin in Asti area (Refrancore).

Did they emigrate to another location before or after (Argentina, France, England, etc.)?

Did they settle among other Piemontesi and were they members of a Piemontesi society (fraternal, mutual aid, etc.)?
Colombo Club in Temescal district (of) Oakland, CA.

Did your family maintain Piemontesi traditions -- language, culture, history, cuisine, etc.?
Identified as Americans but spoke Piemontese among family.

Did your family return home to visit or to live after the initial emigration? Did they maintain contact with family back home?
No visits.

Do you identify yourself more as American, Italian or Piemontese?
Italian American of Genovese/Piemontese origin.

Have you visited your family's town(s) in Piemonte? What was your experience like?
Yes, the cemetery was moving. No contact with original homesite.

Have you studied your Piemontesi genealogy? Please explain why.
Minimally, focusing more on learning madre lingua.

Do you belong to the Piemontesi nel Mondo, Famija Piemonteis or any other organization?

Piemontese nel Mondo.


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Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA

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