Devoted readers speak:
I am a big fan of your Web site! I especially like the "Our Stories" section.
My grandfather, who was born in the Alto Monferrato, died several years
before I was born, so I don't have any stories of his experiences.
Reading other people reminiscences is a treat for me.
I wish all descendants of Italians were lucky enough
to have such a wonderful website about their ancestral "paese."
-Regina Gualco
Thank you so much for getting me in touch with Toni. I have just
returned from a vacation in Italy.
I was able to go to Villa San Secondo
and go into the house were myGrandmother was raised.
What an experience. If you hadn't responded to my guest book signing I never would have been able
to fulfill my Father's wishes. I hope another visist to Italy is in my
future and
I can spend more time in Villa San Secondo. Thanks again.
-Judy Specht